Information on Hechi Jinchengjiang Airport, IATA: HCJ, ICAO: ZGHC, Name in Chinese: 河池金城江机场.
With multiple international codes, hundreds of area codes and numbers of different lengths, making sense of China phone codes can be challenging.
Information about Hechi (河池) (河池), a prefecture-level city in South China.
Information on Heihe Aihui Airport, IATA: HEK, ICAO: ZYHE, Name in Chinese: 黑河瑷珲机场.
Information on Wudalianchi Dedu Airport, IATA: DTU, ICAO: ZYDU, Name in Chinese: 五大连池德都机场.
Information on Mohe Gulian Airport, IATA: OHE, ICAO: ZYMH, Name in Chinese: 漠河古莲机场.
Information on Yancheng Nanyang International Airport, IATA: YNZ, ICAO: ZSYN, Name in Chinese: 盐城南洋国际机场.
Information about Wudalianchi (五大连池) (五大连池), a county-level city in Northeast China.
Information on Ganzhou Huangjin Airport, IATA: KOW, ICAO: ZSGZ, Name in Chinese: 赣州黄金机场.
Our list of Chinese AMR websites includes links to the AMR branch website for each province/administrative region in China.